Marapao Law Offices, PC
A Professional Corporation
"Extra-Ordinary Service Without the Extra Fees"

Our Firm

We are located in the Mid-Wilshire area of downtown Los Angeles. Our firm is composed of California attorneys who are also admitted to the practice of law in the Philippines. One attorney is licensed in New York and practices mainly Immigration and Federal Law.
We offer extra-ordinary services without the extra fees, which is a Filipino custom. Although we handle a variety of cases, we focus on Immigration and Family Law and Civil Litigation. It is in these areas where our countrymen need zealous representation which we provide with a passion.
Most of our clients and their family members are Filipino. Majority of them are pursuing the dream to immigrate legally to the United States. Some are trying to petition family members left behind.
We also help Filipinos in their daily lives, like when they sue or respond to litigation, recover damages due to personal injury or even file for bankruptcy. In some cases, we refer them to other attorneys if their needs are outside of our competence.
We are very much different from the other immigration firms who cater to the Filipino community. And the biggest difference is on how we charge the clients.
Immigration attorneys follow the same law and invoke the same decided cases. But some attorneys charge way above the others. Why?
Big immigration firms have as many as a dozen attorneys and twice as many legal assistants. They lease vast square footage of prime office space. Some host extravagant TV shows and travel around the nation in style with huge entourage. All these expenses are, of course, passed on to their unsuspecting clients, mostly Filipinos. They take only the easy cases for faster turn-around and they even charge clients for telephone calls and copying costs. Attorneys from these big immigration firms are seldom Filipinos. Their only connection to the Filipino culture is that they employ Filipino workers or have Filipino spouses. Other than that, they know little about the Filipino way of life, much less, Philippine laws.
Small firms have smaller overhead costs, thus, they are able to charge much lower fees. They rely on word-of-mouth endorsement rather than on expensive TV and newspaper ads. They work tirelessly; yet, they interact with the client on a personal basis, unlike the other attorneys who re-route your inquiries to their assistants. They win the cases that the big firms reject. They have an overflowing of concern (“malasakit”). Ironically, they are not well-known to the Filipino community. It's about time you know them. It's time you know us.
Marapao Law Offices, PC
"A Professional Corporation."